May 21, 2023
On a hot day, you want your vehicle's air conditioning to work. When the air blowing out of your vents isn't cold, it's easy to think, "I'll just take it by the shop and have them top off my refrigerant." But while some people think air conditioning is that simple, it's actually not.
If your refrigerant is low, something has to have happened for it to be depleted. Perhaps there's a leak in the system. Or some hoses or clamps have failed. If the system isn't evaluated by someone who knows air conditioning, it's possible that adding refrigerant will just be a band-aid solution.
It's also possible that contaminants have gotten into the refrigerant, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, or air. Some of those gases do not condense like refrigerant does which can increase the pressure inside the system and strain the lines and other components. At that point, the best course of action may be to have the old refrigerant (with its contaminants) bled from the system and have your AC recharged with new refrigerant.
Bring it to us, and we can inspect and test the system and all its components. That will include a pressure test for leaks. Most vehicle manufacturers don't have a service schedule for air conditioning systems, so one way to know when you should have it looked at is when it's not behaving the way it used to. For example, it may not get cold as fast as it did before or even at all.
So, when hot air is exiting your vents when you want it to be cold, schedule an appointment and have a trained technician take care of it. Are you cool with that?
Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Grove City
2131 Stringtown Road
Grove City, Ohio 43123
March 30, 2025
Let's face it. Vehicles are complicated machines, each having thousands of parts. And since they're subjected to heat, cold, vibrations, bumps and much more, these parts wear out and need to be replaced. When your service advisor says you need a new part, you may have many options. Let's say ... More
March 23, 2025
Most of us look forward to spring because the days are longer, the weather's warmer and we can finally get our vehicles into warm weather mode. Here are a few things that will breathe fresh energy into anyone's car, SUV, truck or van. First thing is a good cleaning, especially underneath. If you... More
March 16, 2025
See if any of these are happening to your vehicle. You feel it vibrating excessively underneath when its running, or you hear strange clunking, grating, or grinding sounds coming from beneath. Maybe its hard to turn your vehicle, or you can hear squeaking when youre going slow. Perhaps you fee... More